Intelligent Process Automation
Intelligent Process Automation
An integral part of a case workers job is managing and ensuring the execution of numerous processes, which are often critical to meeting the compliance requirements of grants and funding. These processes can quickly consume a large portion of a case workers time, especially with the ever increasing case load of many case worker. Even when documented in a checklist, the casework must still track progress and perform manual steps such as sending a communication, requesting information, or filling in forms. The Intelligent Process Automation feature in Case Amplify allows you and your organization to transition these processes into intelligent workflows.
- Composable Steps:
- Built to make workflows as easy as possible, Case Amplify's Intelligent Process Automation gives any organization to take their process, create those steps in the application and compose those steps in to complex workflows. This allows the case worker to focus not on bureaucratic and repetitive tasks but on the things that matter most, their clients.
- Decision Points:
- While automating basic and linear processes is great, seldom are process that simple. This is where Decision Points come in, allowing a process to intelligently fork down one of many process paths based on the conditions involving the state of the case, the client an event or a program.
- Triggers:
- While the most common trigger for a process may be a new client or the assignment of a program, Intelligent Process Automation in Case Amplify support a variety of additional triggers. From the receipt of a client communication to the assignment of a new case and from scheduled times to the entrance of a client into a program, even the completion of another process, Case Amplify gives your organization the ability to start a process based all kinds of common triggers.
4: Communication Steps
- Details coming soon
5: Approvals and Manual Steps
- Details coming soon
6: Retries and Escalation
- Details coming soon
7: Process Discovery
- Details coming soon
8: Process Insights
- Details coming soon
As can be seen, Case Amplify's Intelligent Process Automation gives you and your organization the ability and tools you need to fully or in-part automate even your most complicated processes.